
Darkness to Light Training presented to UMKC

On January 27, 2020 Child and Family Advocate, Ashlay Berry, presented the Steward's of Children: Darkness to Light training at the University of Missouri-Kansas (UMKC) in Kansas City, MO. She presented to graduate and doctoral level pediatric nurse practitioners. This training is great for any type of medical field that sees children in their offices because it helps medical professionals to spot child sexual abuse during exams and what to do when a child discloses to them. UMKC

Research to Practice: MDT Approach to Recantation & Identifying Corroborative Evidence from the Forensic Interview Training for MDT

Jerri Sites with the Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center presented to local Multi-disciplinary Team Members some great information on why a child may recant a statement of abuse and what a team can do in response to this that can still move towards protecting the child. This training included corroborating even the minute details of the child’s statement that helps support what the child reports.

Basic MDT Training

Local Multi-disciplinary Teams were presented with a basic Team training May 29, 2019, at the First Christian Church in Trenton. This training was hosted by the Children’s Advocacy Center and presented by Erin Lueker, the Child Abuse Resource Prosecutor with the Missouri Office of Prosecution Services.

Stewards of Children Presented to Law Enforcement

Stewards of Children (Darkness to Light) training was presented to members of the Hamilton Police Department and the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office on April 3. It was presented to the Milan Police Department and the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office on April 4. We commend these law enforcement officers for taking the time to learn more about protecting kids from child sexual abuse. These are extremely hard cases to investigate. Stewards of Children uses real people and real stories to show adults how to protect children, built off of a 5 Step foundation. It’s not as hard as you think and everyone can do something. If you would like this training brought to your group or community, let us know.

1) Learn the Facts

2) Minimize Opportunity

3) Talk About It

4) Recognize the Signs

5) React Responsibly

Basics of Multi-Disciplinary Teams: Effectively Using Resources to Help Child Victims

When it comes to your MDT, is your team where it should be on cases of child abuse?  Would you like to see if there is more to be done to improve case outcomes?  Plan to attend this training May 29, 2019, in Trenton, MO, at the North Central Missouri Mental Health Center.

This training is free of charge to Prosecutors, Prosecution Office Personnel, Law Enforcement, Victim Advocates, Children’s Division, Adult Protective Services, Juvenile Office Staff, Probation & Parole, Health Professionals and Children’s Advocacy Center Staff. Other Similar Allied Professionals must obtain prior approval for attendance from Conference Organizers.

This training is certified for 8 hours of CLE, POST and 210 credit.

Click below to view the training Agenda.

Download Basics of MDT

To register for the training please copy & paste this link into your browser:



Erin Lueker

[email protected]

(573) 418-4977

Missouri Child Abuse & Neglect Mandated Reporter Training is now On-line

For anyone interested in taking the on-line version of Missouri's Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Training, the link is provided below.  This training meets all the necessary components required for those agencies tasked with public safety and who have the responsibility of taking care of children at any point in time, such as medical providers, law enforcement, schools, religious organizations, public/private community groups, etc.

Tactics in Collaboration Training

The North Central Missoui Children's Advocacy Center will graciously host an MDT "Tactics in Collaboration" training conducted by the  Missouri Office of Prosecution (MOPS) and the Missouri Department of Social Services on January 28, 2013, at the National Guard Armory, 901 Industrial Drive, Trenton, MO.  The training will be on the co-investgation and prosecution of child abuse, will run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided.  This training is FREE to all MDT members.
Presenters include Jeanne Gordon, J.D., Legal Training Coordinator,  Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division, Central Office AND Catherine Vannier, Family Violence Resource Prosecutor, Missouri Office of Prosecution Services.  For more information see the attached link or contact the Children's Advocacy Center @ (660) 359-2874.

Download MDT 2013 MOPS Agenda