What Can YOU Do?
November 09, 2018
There are a lot of things you can do to prevent child abuse and you're probably already doing things without being aware that you are.
VOLUNTEER - Consider giving your time to a child serving organization. Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. When you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.
MENTOR - Know a family that is struggling? Overwhelmed with life struggles and every day demands? Consider mentoring. Show them a more helpful way of responding to stressors and help them find the resources they need to smooth the way.
ADVOCATE - Advocate and support policies and initiatives that benefits children and families.
FUNDRAISE - Consider hosting a fundraising event to raise awareness and support child-serving organizations.
DONATE - Give $$$ when you can to support child-serving organizations. It takes money to support the services children receive in your community. Think of it as an investment, because that's exactly what it is. If you aren't comfortable giving money, consider supplies of some sort (paper products, cleaning supplies, etc.)
AWARENESS - Learn everything you can about child abuse and share it with those around you. Help them understand the facts. Plant a pinwheel garden to raise awareness of child abuse in your community. No community is immune, no family is immune.
APPLY - We currently have an opening for a part-time position as a mental health provider, employment application and resume are required. See what you can do to make a difference in your community. See the attachment for position descriptions and applications.
We currently have an opening for someone to join our team as a member of our Board of Directors. Please send completed applications to Amanda White at [email protected].
Board of Directors Application Form