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National Children’s Alliance recognizes the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center for its ongoing delivery of high quality and effective services to child abuse victims through accreditation.

 Trenton, MO (October 24, 2022) – The North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center has been awarded reaccreditation by National Children’s Alliance following an extensive application and site review process. As the accrediting agency for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CAC) across the country, National Children’s Alliance awards various levels of accreditation and membership to centers responding to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient and put the needs of child victims of abuse first. Accreditation is the highest level of membership with National Children’s Alliance and denotes excellence in service provision.

Accredited CACs must undergo a reaccreditation process every five years to ensure that best practices are continually being applied. With accreditation standards being updated in 2017, reaccreditation this year reflects the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy commitment to providing evidence-based methods practice.

The North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center was established in 2003, first accredited in 2004, re-accredited in 2010 and 2015 respectfully.  The Center goes through the accreditation process every five years.  Services provided include forensic interviews, advocacy and support, trauma counseling, multi-disciplinary team case reviews, case tracking, and medical referral for the rural Missouri counties of:  Caldwell, Carroll, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, and Sullivan.  The Center provided services to 218 children throughout 2021.  Cases can take up to two years to reach resolution. As an Accredited Member of National Children’s Alliance, the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate services to victims of child abuse.

National Children’s Alliance awards Accredited Membership based on a CAC’s compliance with 10 national standards of accreditation to ensure effective, efficient and consistent delivery of services to child abuse victims. Accredited Members must utilize a functioning and effective multidisciplinary team approach to work collaboratively in child abuse investigation, prosecution and treatment. National Children’s Alliance also considers standards regarding a center’s cultural competency and diversity, forensic interviews, victim support and advocacy, medical evaluation, therapeutic intervention, and child-focused setting.

“As an organization/team of individuals dedicated to responding to child abuse, we recognize the importance of maintaining Accredited status from National Children’s Alliance. Reaccreditation not only validates our organization’s dedication to proven effective approaches of child abuse intervention and prevention but also contributes to consistency across the Children’s Advocacy Center movement as a whole,” said Verna Kelsey, Executive Director of center.

“The North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center is to be commended for its continued commitment to effectively serve victims of child abuse. As the national association and accrediting body for Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country, our goal is to ensure that every victim of child abuse has access to high quality services that result from professional collaboration. By requiring Accredited Centers to undergo reaccreditation every five years, we ensure that evidence-based practices are being implemented and the highest quality of service is being provided,” remarked Teresa Huizar, executive director of National Children’s Alliance.


The mission of the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center is to reduce the traumatic long-term effects of child abuse on children, their families and communities through coordinated child-focused services, education and advocacy.  Our role is to assist n the prevention, assessment, protection, investigation, and treatment of cases of child abuse using a multi-disciplinary team approach ~ Protecting Children, Promoting Justice ~

National Children’s Alliance makes one big difference, one child and one voice at a time. As the nonprofit association and accrediting body providing comprehensive care through hundreds of Children’s Advocacy Centers nationwide, we unify and amplify our voices to command better outcomes. With a forward-thinking approach that stays at the forefront of every child’s future, we are the beginning of child abuse’s end. For more information, visit



NCMCAC Granted GRM Networks Community Guidline Grant

On January 26, 2024, Program Manager Amanda White was presented with a check from GRM Networks for $650 after applying and being accepted for the GRM Networks Community Improvement Grant. Funds from this grant will replace several of the items in our front lobby as well as provide comfort items for teenagers who come to the center.
GRM Grant
Pictured: Amanda White, CAC Program Manager, and Chad Smith, GRM Combination Technician.

Pinwheels for Prevention

Pinwheels-for-Prevention_ColorWhat is Pinwheels for Prevention?

PINWHEELS are the national symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention. The pinwheel represents our hope that every child will be raised in a healthy, safe and nurturing environment. It is also a call to action, encouraging people everywhere to recognize that children are our future and that we all have a role to play in keeping them safe. All children deserve great childhoods. Your agency or group may want to consider using Pinwheels (either alone or with Blue Ribbons) as a symbol of this positive message.


Bringing Pinwheels of Prevention to your Community

Here are some ways to bring pinwheels to your community:

Plant a Pinwheel Garden

Plant as many as you can or plant pinwheels to recognize:

  • All the children born in your community during the past year.

  • All the children served by your organization, program or school.

  • Your own children, grandchildren or all the children in your neighborhood.

Consider Planting Pinwheels at childcare centers, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, courthouses, health departments, libraries, and other highly visible locations.

Decorate your home, office, classroom or business with Pinwheels.

Put Pinwheels In Vases or flower pots in public places such as libraries, court houses, hospitals, and banks. A small sign can be placed beside the Pinwheels to tell passersby that we all have a role to play in child abuse prevention.

To start your pinwheel garden, and to show your support, order your pinwheels today! Call 660-359-2874 or email [email protected]

CAP Month 2023 Web Banner.png

Facility Improvement Grant

The North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center has been awarded a facility improvement grant in the amount of $43,902 by the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF). Funds are to address existing and aging infrastructure projects that enhance child abuse and neglect, prevention, identification, and treatment efforts in Missouri. The Children’s Trust Fund is Missouri’s foundation for child abuse prevention.

VOCA Grant Re-newal

The North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center has been approved for a one-year renewal of a Victim’s of Crime Act (VOCA) grant in the amount of $109,504. These funds assist in the provision of services to children reported to have been abused and their non-offending caretaker in the following counties: Caldwell, Carroll, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, and Sullivan. Services provided include forensic interviews, support and advocacy, multi-disciplinary team case reviews, and case tracking, utilizing a trauma sensitive approach with the child as the focus. The grant period runs from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023.

Continuing growth for the CAC

We are always looking for ways to continue educating ourselves, as well as our communities, and growing our CAC to continue to accommodate the needs of the children and families that we serve. Yesterday we got new carpet in our facility and it has changed the look entirely! We are excited about the new carpet as our old carpet was worn and had become a safety hazard.Thank You to Moores Home Center, here in Trenton, for working around our schedule and installing the carpet, it looks great! #Essential4KidsCarpet

Amazon Smile supporting Non-Profits

The AmazonSmile Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation created by Amazon to administer the AmazonSmile program. All donation amounts generated by the AmazonSmile program are remitted to the AmazonSmile Foundation. In turn, the AmazonSmile Foundation donates those amounts to the charitable organizations selected by our customers. Amazon pays all expenses of the AmazonSmile Foundation; they are not deducted from the donation amounts generated by purchases on AmazonSmile. 

Here's how to shop AmazonSmile:

1. Visit

2. Sign in with your credentials

3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice

4. Select your charity

4. Start shopping!

5. Add a bookmark for to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile