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December 2019

December Comfort

Staff from Hometown Pharmacy donated blankets and stuffed animals to the Children's Advocacy Center this December. Comfort items are provided to children that come to the Advocacy Center for services to assist them in alleviating some of the fear and anxiety they may experience during their visit.  We appreciate every donation received that can bring them a little comfort.

 Thank you for your donation Hometown Pharmacy staff!!

November Networking

We would like to thank our anonymous donors that donated through Facebook's Network for Good.  A total of $95 was received that will be used in providing services to the children within our communities that have had a few extra unnecessary struggles they didn't deserve.  Thank you for making a difference for them.


Trenton Middle School

Trenton Middle School

The Trenton Middle Schools 5th Grade class presented the Advocacy Center with a wreath to show thanks and appreciation for what we do for our community. We are beyond thankful to be appreciated by this group of kids and have displayed our wreath proudly in our front lobby. Thank you!

Trenton Elks Lodge 2020 Gratitude Grant


The North Central Missouri Children's Advocacy Center was the recipient of a $2,000 Gratitude Grant from the Trenton MO Elks Lodge. This allowed them to purchase the necessary equipment to install an electronic sign in system into the facility. The system will allow those who are receiving services to sign in their attendance. The system will also allow sorting by the reason for visit and the services needed while on site. The system also includes a non-disclosure agreement, limiting agency liability services, as well as allow reports to be generated to analyze performance. Thank you to the Trenton Elks Lodge for your continuing support of the Children's Advocacy Center! (Pictured Left to Right: Harry Kately, Elks Exalted Ruler; Verna Kelsey, Executive Director; Amanda White, Development Coordinator)