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September 2019

Mid America Music Festival 2019

We would like to give  a big thank you to the Black Silo Winery for having us as one of their charities for this years Mid-America Music Festival presented by CFM Insurance. The Mid-America Music Festival is held every July and hosted by the Black Silo Winery. This year they were able to donate more than $9,000 to local charities including the North Central Missouri Children's Advocacy Center. Again, we would like to thank them for their continued support of their local advocacy center.

Pictured Left to Right is Mid-America Music Festival representative Jenn Hottes and our Family & Child Advocate Stacey McCullough. 




Play it Safe!



Child and Family Advocate, Stacey McCullough, recently had the opportunity to spend several days in the Trenton Middle School speaking to the students about the dangers of sexting and Cyberbullying through the Play it Safe program. The program helps students recognize these dangerous and abusive behaviors, and provides tools they can use to be safe on the internet. Thank you Trenton Middle School students & staff for helping the fight against child abuse!

Movie on Main

 Movie on Main

We had so much fun August 9, 2019 at our Movie on Main Street. Thank you to Citizen's Bank, Jim Busch and Angela Brill for your donations to us to make this happen. We had an amazing turnout and hope to be able to do this event again in the future. We showed The Secret Life of Pets along with concessions of cookies, popcorn, sno-cones & root beer floats! Thank you Trenton for your support of our Children's Advocacy Center.