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Our Mission Statement
The mission of the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center is to reduce the traumatic long-term effects of child abuse on children, their families and communities through coordinated, child-focused services, education and advocacy.
Our Role
Our role in the communities we serve is to assist in the prevention, assessment, protection, investigation, and treatment of cases of child abuse using a multi-disciplinary team approach. Our teams are made up of Prosecutors, Law Enforcement, Children's Division Investigators, Juvenile Offices, medical professionals, mental health providers, victim advocates, Children's Advocacy Center Staff, and others who may be key stake-holders in the well-being of children. We act as a safe place where young children come to comfortably share the details of abuse they have experienced.
Apply to be a Part of the Team
Occasionally there are open positions on our team so check under the "Get Involved" tab for these opportunities.